Journal Internacionales WoS - ISI
- Espinoza-Benavides, J., Guerrero, M., & Díaz, D. (2021). Dissecting the ecosystems’ determinants of entrepreneurial re-entry after a business failure. European Business Review, 33(6), 975–998.
- Diaz, D., Ruiz, J. L., & Tapia, P. (2021). The Role of Pension Knowledge in Voluntary Pension and Banking Savings in Chile. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, 34(4), 545–560.
- Olavarrieta, S., & Diaz, D. (2021). The strong need for extended research and replications in Latin American and emerging markets. Journal of Business Research, 127, 384–388.
Journal Internacionales Scopus
- Díaz-Ledezma, C., Díaz-Solís, D., Muñoz-Reyes, R., Torres Castro, J., & Valentin Ferrada, L. (2021). Premio de Investigación SCHOT 2020: desarrollo y validación de un modelo multivariables de predicción de estadía hospitalaria en pacientes mayores de 65 años sometidos artroplastia total de cadera electiva en Chile utilizando aprendizaje de máquinas. Revista Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología, 62(03), e180–e192
- Cancino, C. A., Merigo, J. M., Torres, J. P., & Diaz, D. (2018). A bibliometric analysis of venture capital research. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 23(45), 182–195.
- Parisi, A., Parisi, F., & Díaz, D. (2006). Modelos de Algoritmos Genéticos y Redes Neuronales en la Predicción de Índices Bursátiles Asiáticos. Cuadernos de Economia, Latin American Journal of Economics, 128(43), 251–284.
Submitted Papers – Revise and Resubmit
- Bellido, D., Martínez, C., Díaz, D. (2023).Understanding trade union social media content using tweets. New Technology, Work and Employment.
- Paredes, V. Pino, P., Díaz, D. (2023). Does Facial Structure Explain Differences in Students Evaluations of Teaching? The Role of Perceived Dominance. Labour Economics Journal.
- Zaki, M.; Bluemel, J.; Diaz, D.; McColl-Kennedy, J. (2022). Advancing Service Research with Analyzing Textual Data using Deep Learning. Journal of Service Research.
Work in progress (sorted by completion rate)
- Díaz, D., Silvestre, C., Astudillo, C. (2022). Modeling and Predicting the Yield Curve of the Chilean Bond Market through Multi-output LSTM. Expert Systems with Applications.
- Zaki, Mohamed & Díaz D.(2023). From Text to Video: Predicting Consumer Engagement with Multimodal Content in the Sports Domain. Management Science.
Cápitulos de Libros
- Martínez, C., Díaz D. How Service Experience Can Shape Customer Churn from a Service Dominant-Logic Perspective. Handbook of Service Experience. Cambridge Service Alliance. ISBN pending. Edited by Mohamed Zaki, Lars Witell, Per Kristenson (2024)
- Villaroel, Francisco, Díaz David, Herhaussen Dennis. Customer experience measurement: implications for customer loyalty. Handbook of Research on Customer Loyalty. In ElgarOnline, ISBN 9781800371637 Edited by Debbie Keeling, Ko de Ruyter, and David Cox (2022).
- Zaki, M., Theodoulidis, B., Díaz, D. Ontology-Driven Framework for Stock Market Monitoring and Surveillance. Handbook of Global Financial Markets Transformations, Dependence, and Risk Spillovers. (2018) Edited by: Sabri Boubaker & Duc Khuong Nguyen. ISBN: 978-981-3236-64-6