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Conferencias y Presentaciones
Zaki, Mohamed & Díaz D. From Text to Video: Predicting Consumer Engagement with Multimodal Content in the Sports Domain. Workshop in Management Science, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. 2023.
Zaki, Mohamed & Díaz D. The application of AI to revolutionize brand’s social media and customer engagement strategy. AMA Global SIG, Santiago, Chile. 2023.
Díaz D., Peña, T. Comparing LSTM, ARIMA, and MLP Models for Stock Price Prediction and Profitability in the IPSA Stock Market Index Components. IFORS 2023, Santiago, Chile. 2023.
Zaki, Mohamed & Díaz D. The application of AI to revolutionize brand’s social media and customer engagement strategy. Frontiers in Service, Boston USA. 2022.
Zaki, Mohamed & Díaz D. Collectives in Social Media: Predicting their brand engagement using Deep Learning methods. AIRSI Conference. University of Saragoza, Spain, 2022.
Martinez, C. Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B. Churn prediction through Customer Feedback Analytics. BAFI Conference, Santiago, Chile, 2018
Martinez, C. Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B. Churn prediction through Customer Feedback Analytics. Management Science Workshop, Pucón, Chile, 2018
Díaz, David. The Impact of Quote Stuffing in High Frequency Trading. BALAS Conference 2017. Santiago, Chile 2017
Díaz, David. Techniques for Surveillance and Monitoring of Financial Markets: BSM – Bovespa Market Surveillance and Enforcement in Securities Markets. Keynote Speaker, Sao Paulo. Brasil 2016
Díaz, David, Yañez, José. Customer Feedback Analysis LAN-LATAM Contact Center Complaints and Compliments. 11avo Seminario Internacional Fundación COPEC UC Sobre Big Data. Santiago, Chile 2015
Golmohammadi, K., Zaiane, O. R., & Diaz, D. Detecting stock market manipulation using supervised learning algorithms. DSAA 2014 – Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, 435–441. 2014.
Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B., Shahgholian, A.: Social Networking Influence on Environmental and Corporate Performance. Proceedings of 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. July TU Vienna, Austria CBI 2013. 2013.
Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B., Abioye, E.: Monitoring and Surveillance Systems for Financial Markets: a Service System Perspective. Proceedings of 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. July TU Vienna, Austria CBI 2013 2013.
Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B., Abioye, E.: Cross-Border Challenges in Financial Markets Monitoring and Surveillance: A Case Study of Customer-Driven Service Value Networks. Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII’2012) Global Conference, July, San Jose California, USA. pp. 146–157. 2012.
Zaki, M., Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B.: Financial Market Service Architectures: A “Pump and Dump” Case Study. Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII’2012) Global Conference July, San Jose California, USA. pp. 554–563. 2012.
Díaz, D., Araya, A.: Opportunities and Challenges in Financial Markets Integration: The MILA Case. CSSI’12, Workshop Proceedings from 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’12), ISBN 978-0-9565994-2-1 (printed version), June, Gdańsk, Poland. pp.53-59. 2012.
Theodoulidis, B., and Zaki, M. and Díaz, D.: Examining Higher Education as a Service System. 21st Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, Washington DC, June 14 – 17. 2012. weblink:
Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B., Zaki, M.: “Carbon Footprint Innovation: A Higher Education Case Study.” European Academy of Management (EURAM’2011). Tallin, Estonia. Paper 192. 2011.
Díaz, D., Zaki, M., Theodoulidis, B., Sampaio, P.: A Systematic Framework for the Analysis and Development of Financial Market Monitoring Systems. Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII’2011) Global Conference. pp. 145–153, San Jose, California, USA. 2011.
Theodoulidis, B., Díaz, D., Zaki, M.: Carbon Footprint Innovation through Environmental Information Management. Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII’2011) Global Conference. pp. 505–516., San Jose, California, USA. 2011.
Theodoulidis, B., Strickland, S., and Díaz, D. “Innovation Perspectives of a Personal Financial Services Call Centre,” in: Case Studies in Service Innovation, SSMEnetUK, Centre for Service Research, Manchester Business School, Manchester, pp. 24-26.UK. 2010.
Zaki, M., Díaz, D., and Theodoulidis, B. “Using Text Mining to Analyze Quality Aspects of Unstructured Data: A case Study For ‘Stock-Touting’ Spam Emails,” 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), Lima, Peru, 2010.
Zaki, M., Theodoulidis, B., and Díaz, D. “A Data Mining Approach for the Analysis of ‘Stock-Touting’ Spam Emails,” in: 16th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, IT 2010, pp. 70-79, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2010.
Díaz, D., Theodoulidis, B., and Sampaio, P. “Analysing Fraudulent Stock Market Manipulations. A Data Mining Case Study,” IV European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operation, Salford, pp. 22-34, UK, 2009.